Trust Professional Rug Cleaning for Flawless Floors
3 Min Read

Over time, rugs lose their vibrancy becoming dull, dirty and stained. Gum stuck in fibers seems impossible to remove. But professional cleaning services can turn back time, reviving rugs to their original flawless glory. Read on to discover how the experts restore beauty and effectively tackle gum stains.

The Rejuvenating Power of Professional Cleaning

Professional rug cleaning thoroughly refreshes rugs using specialized commercial-grade equipment and techniques:

  • Heavy duty steam cleaning systems inject heated cleaning solution deep into fibers, lifting stains and ground-in dirt.
  • Powerful suction extracts loosened debris, grime and residues, leaving rugs fresh and clean.
  • Safe, low-moisture systems carefully clean delicate heirloom and antique rugs.
  • Commercial strength cleaners dissolve oil and stubborn dirt without degrading dyes or fibers.
  • Industrial deodorizers permanently eliminate musty odors.
  • Meticulous corner tools and furniture lifting ensure wall-to-wall cleaning.

Regular professional cleaning removes the accumulated dinge making rugs look dingy and feel coarse. Vibrant colors and intricate patterns glow again!

Maximize Rug Longevity

In between professional visits, keep rugs vibrant with:

  • Weekly vacuuming to prevent dirt and dust grinding into fibers.
  • Rotating rugs to evenly distribute foot traffic and wear.
  • Using padded rug liners to prevent floor damage and slippage.
  • Keeping rugs out of direct sunlight to avoid bleaching and becoming brittle.
  • Immediately blotting spills to avoid stains setting in fibers.

The Perplexing Problem of Gum Stains

Chewing gum ground into rug fibers is frustratingly stubborn to remove. Aggressive DIY removal efforts often just make matters worse and drive gum deeper into the fibers.

Thankfully, professionals have specialized techniques to conquer gum:

  • Freezing or cooling sprays to harden gum so it can be chipped off cleanly.
  • Heated water or steam to loosen gum’s adhesive grip on fibers.
  • Citrus based solvents that dissolve gum so it wipes away without sticky residues.
  • Repeated blotting with stain remover to slowly lift staining from fibers.
  • Soft bristle hand brushing paired with enzyme cleaners that “eat” away gum.

Breathe New Life Into Your Rugs

Don’t settle for lackluster, gummy rugs – revive them with deep professional cleaning tailored to their specific needs! With commercial grade equipment, solutions and experience, the experts effectively restore vibrancy and tackle stubborn gum stains. Give your rugs the renewing care they deserve! Contact us today to schedule professional rug cleaning services.

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